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Experience 18 years as Expert Realtor at Madrid Realty
Realtor Awards Best Realtor in Madrid from 2000-2018
Office Hours 9 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Saturday
MLS Number 12345 MYID - Until 12/12/2025
Languages Spoken French, Spanish, English
Office Address Calle de Toledo, 28005 Madrid, Spain

Spécialités et domaines de service


Michaela’s sociability, independent spirit, and incredible customer service set him apart as a top agent in the New York real estate market. He works with a range of clients – national and international, as well as investors and local residents.

Whether a client is in the market for a single-family home or a luxury penthouse, Michael is there to help out. Between his time in the hospitality and real estate industries, he knows what good service is all about.


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